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Vegetable Lasagne

Three Colour Noodle Seaweed Salad

Basil & Tomato Soup

How to create a successful life – Breath of the Dragon

20 Signs you aren’t drinking enough water

German Potato Salad

Trust the timing of your life!

Byron Katie
Physical Arts
Chinese Physical Arts is the philosophy and practice of aligning breath, movement, and awareness for health of mind, body, and spirit. There are various styles of Chinese Physical Arts.
Styles which focus on qi manipulation are labeled as internal, while others concentrate on improving muscle and cardiovascular fitness and are labeled external. The Traditional Chinese Medicine community practices the internal physical arts for preventive and curative functions.
Tai Chi Classes will be back in 2022!
Tai Chi & Qi Gong Class – Yang Style / Beijing Short Form
Rosanna Baptist Church
5 Waiora Road, Heidelberg Heights -
Every Monday (except Public Holidays)
· Tai Chi & Qigong 6.00pm to 7.00pm -
Tai Chi & Qigong – Gabriele Aspromonte
Tai Chi $90 for 6 weeks ($18 per class)
Comfortable, loose clothing (e.g. tracksuit, t-shirt, soft soled shoes)
Please email or contact reception if you have any further questions.