Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is based on the philosophical concept that the universe is made of an energy called qi. This energy can be any state of matter or energy in existence. TCM believes that the body is a small universe unto itself that is a complex of subsystems of energy and matter, and that these systems work together to maintain a healthy mind and body.
Treatments include:
Herbal Medicine
Tui Na Massage
Gua Sha Spooning
Massage has been used by most civilizations since ancient times. It has been used to provide relaxation, relief from pain and to boost the body’s immunity. Massage is one of the most natural ways to de-stress the body and is beneficial for all ages, from babies upwards.
Treatments include:
Remedial Massage
Relaxation Massage
Sports Massage
Therapeutic Healing
Hair Analysis
A Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis is a screening test that measures the mineral content of your hair. Mineral content of the hair reflects the mineral content of the body tissue. If a mineral deficiency or excess exists in the hair, it usually indicates a mineral deficiency or excess within the body, or bio-unavailability.
If you are experiencing a severe problem, abnormal changes in body chemistry and nutritional deficiencies may result in early, subtle changes in the body such as:
White spots on the nails indicating a possible zinc deficiency
Longitudinal Ridging in the nails indicating an iron efficiency
Brittle hair and nails calcium and copper imbalance
Deep grooves across the nails calcium deficiency
Stretch marks zinc deficiency
Lack of growth zinc deficiency
The Initial Consultation will involve a full health assessment and discussion of your current diet and how it relates to your health. Pulse diagnosis is used to assess the function of all organs. Tongue Diagnosis is used to assess how your body is managing the carbohydrates, proteins and fats in your diet.
In this session, you will learn how to:
Select ingredients to use or avoid for your condition
Use ingredients for their energetic and nutritional properties
Cook with more intention
Overcome addictions and food dependencies
Use Foods that complement your Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine treatments